Once upon a time, Kareena Kapoor and Salman Khan used to be “thick as thieves.” The duo were seen together in Kyon Ki, which unfortunately didn’t fare well at the box office but their friendship was in tact. However, once Bebo decided to start dating ex-beau Shahid Kapur, the friendship went dud. Major differences between Shahid and Salman, during the 2006 Rock Stars concert, caught Kareena in a web where she had to choose between co-star and good friend or lover. She, of course, chose the then love of her life.
But that is all history. Kapur and Kapoor no longer date, and since then the lady lass has moved on to Saif Ali Khan as her boy toy. Currently, Salman and Kareena are shooting for Main Aur Mrs Khanna and the vibes could cut ice according to onlookers. While their chemistry onscreen is one to be seen and deemed “sizzling” after any shot was over, the duo would head to their own vans. In fact, when it came to discussing a scene, director Prem Soni would have to individually sit down with the actors and go through the setting.
However, one day on the sets, an intricate scene was to be shot and Bebo decided to take it upon herself to settle the battle. She walked up to Salman and asked to discuss the scene with him. At first Sallu Miyan was shocked but after a while realized that this cold war was clearly over. The duo were then seen laughing and giggling which made director Soni sigh with relief. Additionally, current boyfriend Saif Ali Khan’s company helped to ease tensions. It clearly was a happy day on the sets for the crew and for sister Karisma too, who is good friends with Salman.
All's well that ends well. The duo have repaired their damaged friendship and we await the release of the film to see the garam onscreen chemistry they both apparently share.