Hey..... If u have a cell phone,
Recharge ur phone every month freely by following this process
Please follow the instruction & you can recharge your SIM card absolutely free.
Yes it is possible, see how technology can be used to make technicians fool.
I just got a mail from a friend of mine, whose friend is P.hD from AIOU, teaching me how to reload my hand set every month for free.
Engineered by a group of rebel programmers. I am going to share this to all of you.
Please follow the instructions as stated below before you start it:
Applicable for TELENOR, MOBILINK JAZZ, UFONE, WARID and PAKTEL users only and it is done illegally of course. But there are many things that are illegal in this world.
But then who cares. Don't worry nobody can trap you. No legal action can be taken on you for this. So go ahead without worrying.
You can only do this every 24th & 25th of the month as the network system is under upgrade.